Ongoing legal assistance in Poland

Ongoing legal assistance in Poland

Other services in: Business in Poland

Jakub Chajdas

Jakub Chajdas

Partner / Attorney-at-law

In business, the ability to react quickly to frequent and extensive changes in legal regulations is very important. In our work, we focus on monitoring legal news and updates in terms of their impact on the business activities conducted by our clients. We supervise and analyse the current situation and propose solutions that will bring expected business results.


Ongoing legal services of our law firm in Poland consist in providing our corporate Clients with assistance and advice on current issues or doubts they may have in relation to Polish legal regulations. The scope of problems we solve for our clients includes matters related to:

In course of providing the above mentioned services we prepare monthly legal and tax alerts, as well as legal opinions and memorandums on topics interesting or being an immanent part of client’s business. We deal with all the legal obstacles so that the client can focus on doing business.

How we work?

In order to provide our clients with 360 degree support in doing business in Poland we assist our them with:

  • resolving doubts regarding the interpretation of provisions of the Act on Freedom of Economic Activity of 2004 or the Code of Commercial Partnerships and Companies,
  • ongoing advisory on tax issues,
  • advising in broadly-taken employment issues with not only clarifying the interpretation of the provisions of the Labor Code or the Civil Code (in reference to specific work contracts or mandate contracts), but also it embraces more practical aspects, such as assistance in keeping employee records and in preparing employment documents for the purposes of the National Labor Inspectorate auditing.

The main benefits of our assistance are:

  • flexibility,
  • smooth communication via all available means,
  • we provide legal services both in English and in Polish,
  • we analyse Polish legal regulations on ongoing basis to provide you with dedicated monthly tax and legal alerts that may concern your business,
  • we cooperate with your accounting department and HR to improve efficiency of communication and accelerate the procedures. 

We offer our clients a business package tailored to their needs that includes – apart from the professional legal support – tax consulting in the international arena.

Tailored legal advice

At CGO Legal Chajdas Gawlak Owczarek, our lawyers during their practice have advised entrepreneurs on setting up holding structures many times. We not only support domestic but also international entities as well as assist in the restructuring and transformation of enterprises.

We take into account all the necessary aspects in the course of our ongoing legal assistance. From obtaining permissions, licenses and administrative approvals to the analysis of contracts with financial institutions and agencies providing grants from EU funds.

How are we different from other law firms in Poland?

Our main focus is on the universality of our services. We provide our clients with professional consulting and assistance in solving nearly every business issue. Our staff operates at every stage – from the company’s registration, through its business development, to support in the process of selling a company or its liquidation and bankruptcy.

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Featured expert

Jakub Chajdas

Jakub Chajdas

Partner / Attorney-at-law

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